All of my favourite writing began as a flash of inspiration - a “wouldn’t it be great if there was a story about…”. I cling to that flash to keep the excitement as alive for the audience seeing it on the screen, as it was for me writing the first draft.

As a screenwriter, I love to lure audiences in with character-rooted humour before hitting them with thematic studies. I’m endlessly fascinated by class, race, societal power, and obsession, and how these themes manifest amongst the casts of my comedies and thrillers.

Across my scripts for shorts, comics, and TV, I am as equally inspired by the folklore storytelling of my Peruvian family and second-generation Asian-South American London upbringing, as I am the do-it-yourself attitude of 90s Indie Cinema and the spectacle of 70s/80s Blockbuster Action.

Tunnel of Love (lost) - THRILLER sHORT

Reeling from a fresh breakup, Moe parks up in a tunnel to process his emotions but when an omnious Creature sets its eyes on him, it’s revealed that Moe is not as alone as he felt…

T.O.L.L is a tone-piece, without dialogue, that explores the way’s in which struggles to healthily process emotions can manifest in dangerous ways.

(im)mature student - SITCOM pilot + bible

A pretentious budding filmmaker’s hopes for a fun university experience are dashed when his estranged Afghan father suprises him by joining him on the course. Could the pair graduate to a healthy relationship or will they fall at fresher’s?

At its heart, (Im)Mature Student explores the relationship between a father and son trying desperately to reconnect when not always knowing how, while also exploring grief, immigration, and coming of age, against the backdrop of a party heavy UK university experience.

shiny - drama/comedy short

London. 2001. Riots. Armed with his imaginary Samurai friend, 10-year old Jason won’t let anything stop him retreiving his rare trading card from his cousin’s flat, not even the racially motivated police raid he’s too young to understand.

Framed against the London riots, Shiny looks at the unfortunate premature coming-of-age children of colour are forced into by brutal circumstances.

blade: lady in red - Horror/DRAMA SHORT

Peruvian Maria came to the UK to provide a better life for her unborn son, but finds acclimatising to the culture much more difficult that originally anticipated. A lifetime spent in manual labour ravages her body when an ominous faith healer offers to restore the health, strength, and beauty of her youth, but is the price one she is willing to pay?

Blade: Lady in Red borrows from the mythology of the famous Marvel comic brand to tell an original horror story all rooting in the immigrant experience. Who will suck more life from Maria? The stalkers of the night or the society ready to exploit her for all she is worth?